Wednesday, September 9, 2009


True emotion is powerful stuff. Truthfully it can be both scary and intimidating.

Sometimes it can be too much.

Sometimes the timing is poor. Sometimes there is far too much in the dramatics. Sometimes it can't be helped. Below is a resolve.

I never meant to take it too far.

I am so sorry.

This is it from me. Moving.

Thoughts on Thought

We live in an indefinite world, an inconsistent one.

It can change in the blink of an eye from right to wrong, from beautiful to ugly, and from great to poor.

It can change from full to empty.

Collecting thoughts in such a world can be like catching dry leaves in the wind.
Its really difficult, and then when you catch one, you usually crush it.

Only those with the mental dexterity of philosophers, good philosophers I might add, can get their shit together. And even then, in a way that is unique to them, and in a way that few others can understand.

There is a reason for that.

Honestly, there are so many ups and downs, that even taking a break from life in order to collect oneself kinda just puts you behind.

Discipline of the mind cannot be taught. It simply must be learned. From experience.

It shouldn't even be learned. It shouldn't even be a concept. It causes so much more trepidation and trivia then success and understanding.

Everybody everywhere thinks that this sort of discipline is the end all be all of greatness and enlightenment, and it is these same people who scream from the rooftops that they have found it, or that they need it.

It is those same people who actually attend classes or sessions to learn to think about how they feel.

Are you kidding me?

There is no such thing as complete mental discipline.

This is because there is no such thing as emotional discipline.

Those who say they have it, either don't really live around people, or aren't human. Its that simple.

Blocking out emotions is a bit of a death sentence for the mind.

The problem is people's sense of self-importance.

While it is the most essential part of creativity and by extension, self-expression, and again by extension, individualism, which is the core, and possibly singular, good belief of our society, it forces people to just take themselves way too seriously.

If they would simply get over themselves, and believe me, I am just as guilty, I write this blog that practically screams of unintentional arrogance, then they could start to think about things that actually matter.

Things like other people. This magnificent world in which we live. Integrity Character ArtandMusicLovePassion. Truth.

I am aware that this has been downright contradictory and borderline ludicrous. Keep Reading.

Do not get me wrong. Collecting your thoughts, or in other terms, staying sane or thinking straight, is pretty important.

Trying to control how you come to that state of almost divine enlightenment is wrong.

You'll only go backwards.

In a sense, the common man, the one who has never worried about how he acts, is far better off than the greatest of philosophers, who must unlearn all they forcibly "learned" or "discovered".

Feel first. Then think about how you feel. Don't try to change it. Don't lie to yourself. Don't run away from the feelings. Don't try to block them out.

Accept them, for whether you like it or not, They Are You.

Your own emotions keep you honest. Only ignore them if it must be done, and then with the knowledge that you are indeed ignoring them.

Humans do not need Sunflowers. They know they are beautiful. Most think they need them.

Bees need Sunflowers. They do not know they are beautiful. They simply need them.

Want them all you want, but know that you do not need them.