Death is everywhere.
It happens all around us, every second of every day.
If its not humans, its animals, or plants, or even ideas.
The prospect of dying is daunting. The survival instinct rings true among every creature upon this earth, forcing us to strive to keep the light of life alive in our bodies.
Why is it our nature to survive? Why has it been engraved into the very core of our being, even to our genetics, to live the longest life possible.
The answer is simple; Life is Good, Death is Bad.
Why then, do we as humans constantly suggest that after our time on earth, there lies another life.
After life, reincarnation, they're all the same. They're a part of religion. Religions are all the same in some aspects.
They all are human attempts to help humans deal with the aspects of life found most unpleasing.
Chief among them, Death.
Muslim Jihadists blow themselves up, believing that they are going to dine with Allah and seventy two virgins.
People commit suicide searching for a better life.
I may be mistaken.
Maybe its out there. Maybe alternate life does exist.
But if it does indeed exist, how would we know about it.
I may again be mistaken. But Your life is quite a large bet to place on an assumption.
It is not a part of life.
It is the finale of life.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Sunday, December 14, 2008
We all understand its workings and its function.
It was created by man, like emotions, like religion, to help us comprehend the passing of our lives, and to give meaning to the space we hold so dear in our hearts.
People grow old.
We all understand its workings and its function.
The passage of time is a strange thing.
Why do things change?
Why do they deteriorate only to become something new?
Why does the universe continue to expand?
And why oh why do humans live in a society where expectations change with the passage of time?
The passage of time dictates everything, it is our overlord.
Its occurrence is inevitable.
We age no matter what we try, be it cosmetics, or cloning.
And as we grow, we are expected to do new things, to take on new responsibilities, until we reach an age where we are deemed useless and put away until we die.
The only thing that confuses me is that at times, I don't exactly feel my age. I see people who act far younger then they should. I see people who act far older as well.
Does this give us a way to defeat the passage of time?
Even with the deterioration of our bodies, one can act young. Even at a young age, one can act like an adult.
Only thing is, people are ridiculed for these actions.
Is it such a crime not to be a slave to the clock?
Individualism is so highly valued because of terrible predictions of conformity, and yet, so often individualism is shunned and beaten down.
Why is this fair?
because it happens to everybody?
because age is relative to everybody?
Grow up.
The world isn't fair.
Time isn't either.
We all understand its workings and its function.
It was created by man, like emotions, like religion, to help us comprehend the passing of our lives, and to give meaning to the space we hold so dear in our hearts.
People grow old.
We all understand its workings and its function.
The passage of time is a strange thing.
Why do things change?
Why do they deteriorate only to become something new?
Why does the universe continue to expand?
And why oh why do humans live in a society where expectations change with the passage of time?
The passage of time dictates everything, it is our overlord.
Its occurrence is inevitable.
We age no matter what we try, be it cosmetics, or cloning.
And as we grow, we are expected to do new things, to take on new responsibilities, until we reach an age where we are deemed useless and put away until we die.
The only thing that confuses me is that at times, I don't exactly feel my age. I see people who act far younger then they should. I see people who act far older as well.
Does this give us a way to defeat the passage of time?
Even with the deterioration of our bodies, one can act young. Even at a young age, one can act like an adult.
Only thing is, people are ridiculed for these actions.
Is it such a crime not to be a slave to the clock?
Individualism is so highly valued because of terrible predictions of conformity, and yet, so often individualism is shunned and beaten down.
Why is this fair?
because it happens to everybody?
because age is relative to everybody?
Grow up.
The world isn't fair.
Time isn't either.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Trust is as much of on an anomaly as Love
It is odd that the two things go hand in hand when they are so different, but in any relationship they are equally important.
To make an rough analogy; While Love is an emotion that will drive you to the ends of the earth, trust is the engine fuel that keeps it running.
But alone, trust is more. In family it is a sign of loyalty. In business it is a sign of mutual respect for efficiency and the law. Between friends it is what lets you know who's got your back.
In times long ago, the Bedouin tribes, before the coming of Islam, put family before clan, and clan before belief, and belief before friends.
This system ran on trust and honor, and without it, the world would surely be a different place.
This much is obvious, for trust is the first thing a person takes into account when judging another.
However, deeper then the interactions between people each and every day, also lies trust. The kind that if broken, will never be repaired.
This is wrong.
This is an almost sacred bond that exists between human beings. It is the reason for every terrible break-up in the world, for every divided family, and for every mislead friendship.
Trust is also the last thing a person looks at when judging another.
Think of a world without trust.
There would be no honor, this is true, and chivilry would be out the window as well.
People could never be honest with one another, and economics would cease to exist on a whole, and with it, the rest of the world.
But also... every family would stay together to the end. Every relationship that should end well, would.
I am not suggesting that we forgo all trust, throw loyalty the wind, and live alone everyman for himself, but i think that trust once destroyed is an unfair fight.
Humans are not infallible.
We all deserve second chances.
Always forgive, never forget.
Trust is as much of on an anomaly as Love
It is odd that the two things go hand in hand when they are so different, but in any relationship they are equally important.
To make an rough analogy; While Love is an emotion that will drive you to the ends of the earth, trust is the engine fuel that keeps it running.
But alone, trust is more. In family it is a sign of loyalty. In business it is a sign of mutual respect for efficiency and the law. Between friends it is what lets you know who's got your back.
In times long ago, the Bedouin tribes, before the coming of Islam, put family before clan, and clan before belief, and belief before friends.
This system ran on trust and honor, and without it, the world would surely be a different place.
This much is obvious, for trust is the first thing a person takes into account when judging another.
However, deeper then the interactions between people each and every day, also lies trust. The kind that if broken, will never be repaired.
This is wrong.
This is an almost sacred bond that exists between human beings. It is the reason for every terrible break-up in the world, for every divided family, and for every mislead friendship.
Trust is also the last thing a person looks at when judging another.
Think of a world without trust.
There would be no honor, this is true, and chivilry would be out the window as well.
People could never be honest with one another, and economics would cease to exist on a whole, and with it, the rest of the world.
But also... every family would stay together to the end. Every relationship that should end well, would.
I am not suggesting that we forgo all trust, throw loyalty the wind, and live alone everyman for himself, but i think that trust once destroyed is an unfair fight.
Humans are not infallible.
We all deserve second chances.
Always forgive, never forget.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Part of Life
There is nothing like the true sadness and the epitome of inner disruption known as grief.
Dealing with it can be the hardest thing people must do in their lives.
It is truly unimaginable to those who have not experienced it.
One can act somber at a funeral for a distant relative, and one can morn for the loss of an unknown teen in a car accident involving a drunk driver.
But quickly the incident floats from your mind. You go on living, and you soon assimilate it into your life, because loss, like anything else, is a part of life.
And you see those who were close to the ones lost. You see their tears, and you wonder, why do I not feel this way?
It is because what they feel is grief. Not just sadness.
Grief consumes you, like a mass of air pressing in and around you, until all you feel is an oppressive wave of nothing.
Emptiness is left. If that makes sense.
The emptiness, it feels, stems from the loss.
Whether it be trust, life, limb, or opportunity that is destroyed, the emptiness is apparent, and it does not go away easily.
Alone, in one's pain, so it seems, one stumbles through each day until sleep takes them, haunted by something that will not go away.
Cannot go away.
For all those who feel as the world feels, my deepest sympathies.
To me, Life is like a novel. It is long, sometimes incredibly boring, and full of love, loss, and conflict. However, it isn't over until the final page, on which always lies a happy ending.
There is nothing like the true sadness and the epitome of inner disruption known as grief.
Dealing with it can be the hardest thing people must do in their lives.
It is truly unimaginable to those who have not experienced it.
One can act somber at a funeral for a distant relative, and one can morn for the loss of an unknown teen in a car accident involving a drunk driver.
But quickly the incident floats from your mind. You go on living, and you soon assimilate it into your life, because loss, like anything else, is a part of life.
And you see those who were close to the ones lost. You see their tears, and you wonder, why do I not feel this way?
It is because what they feel is grief. Not just sadness.
Grief consumes you, like a mass of air pressing in and around you, until all you feel is an oppressive wave of nothing.
Emptiness is left. If that makes sense.
The emptiness, it feels, stems from the loss.
Whether it be trust, life, limb, or opportunity that is destroyed, the emptiness is apparent, and it does not go away easily.
Alone, in one's pain, so it seems, one stumbles through each day until sleep takes them, haunted by something that will not go away.
Cannot go away.
For all those who feel as the world feels, my deepest sympathies.
To me, Life is like a novel. It is long, sometimes incredibly boring, and full of love, loss, and conflict. However, it isn't over until the final page, on which always lies a happy ending.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Society's Love
Of all the emotions created by humans in order to interpret and to channel feelings, Love is the most difficult, the most complicated, the most terrifying, the most beautiful, and the most powerful of them all.
There is no definition for the word, it cannot simply be defined. Its definition is relative.
One can define sadness, or hate, or joy, or anything else, but not love. For if you attempt to write it down, it changes on you.
Different people have tried to control it, or to bind it in words, and they have failed miserably.
One could say that a newly wed couple love each other more then anything else, and yet, either would be willing to kill to protect it. Or for it.
That is not love. That is selfish desire, or uncontrollable rage.
In my own short experiences, i have not found love, or maybe i have.
That is the true question; When do i know i am in love?
Some say, in the absence of a material explanation, that you "will know" when it happens to you. But i find this to be purely unhelpful.
I have experienced desire so great for something so unyielding over a long period of time, and thought it to be love. It certainly felt like society described it would. Deep, burning, and painful. I felt the "Will Know", but saying "I love her" caused me more pain and grief in rejection then anything else i had yet felt.
Looking back, it was not love, but desire that drove me; the kind of desire that makes you pour out your soul into something, only to have it broken and shattered into a million pieces when dropped and forgotten.
I have also experienced a relationship of powerful mutual affection, one that made me feel so happy, so full, and so complete that i could want nothing else. Again, the "will know" strikes.
Society says that one does not know love until one comes of age and matures.
What am I allowed to feel?
What do i do with this terrible, unrecognizable emotion held captive within me?
I cannot call it Love, God forbid! the L word appears to be a taboo on my life. Uttering it reverses all things good.
The word scares me.
Using it improperly in a serious situation spells emotional suicide for any human.
This is wrong.
The key is knowing when one is in love, but with no definition, one cannot know.
Therein lies the problem.
If there is no definition, no set principle, then society has NO control over what is proper.
Teenage "Love" could be interpreted as a sophomoric and passionate cry for understanding, and for action, or it could be a real feeling undiscovered and even forgotten by those who shape the world and its youth.
We are all human, and we all act in similar ways.
Now that I have explained the problem, my take is simple. Go with your gut feeling. If you feel a "will know", do not let society tell you that you are wrong. How can others know your feelings based on their own?
We are all humans, but we are all different.
You know what love is. Do not be afraid of it.
Of all the emotions created by humans in order to interpret and to channel feelings, Love is the most difficult, the most complicated, the most terrifying, the most beautiful, and the most powerful of them all.
There is no definition for the word, it cannot simply be defined. Its definition is relative.
One can define sadness, or hate, or joy, or anything else, but not love. For if you attempt to write it down, it changes on you.
Different people have tried to control it, or to bind it in words, and they have failed miserably.
One could say that a newly wed couple love each other more then anything else, and yet, either would be willing to kill to protect it. Or for it.
That is not love. That is selfish desire, or uncontrollable rage.
In my own short experiences, i have not found love, or maybe i have.
That is the true question; When do i know i am in love?
Some say, in the absence of a material explanation, that you "will know" when it happens to you. But i find this to be purely unhelpful.
I have experienced desire so great for something so unyielding over a long period of time, and thought it to be love. It certainly felt like society described it would. Deep, burning, and painful. I felt the "Will Know", but saying "I love her" caused me more pain and grief in rejection then anything else i had yet felt.
Looking back, it was not love, but desire that drove me; the kind of desire that makes you pour out your soul into something, only to have it broken and shattered into a million pieces when dropped and forgotten.
I have also experienced a relationship of powerful mutual affection, one that made me feel so happy, so full, and so complete that i could want nothing else. Again, the "will know" strikes.
Society says that one does not know love until one comes of age and matures.
What am I allowed to feel?
What do i do with this terrible, unrecognizable emotion held captive within me?
I cannot call it Love, God forbid! the L word appears to be a taboo on my life. Uttering it reverses all things good.
The word scares me.
Using it improperly in a serious situation spells emotional suicide for any human.
This is wrong.
The key is knowing when one is in love, but with no definition, one cannot know.
Therein lies the problem.
If there is no definition, no set principle, then society has NO control over what is proper.
Teenage "Love" could be interpreted as a sophomoric and passionate cry for understanding, and for action, or it could be a real feeling undiscovered and even forgotten by those who shape the world and its youth.
We are all human, and we all act in similar ways.
Now that I have explained the problem, my take is simple. Go with your gut feeling. If you feel a "will know", do not let society tell you that you are wrong. How can others know your feelings based on their own?
We are all humans, but we are all different.
You know what love is. Do not be afraid of it.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
"Live in the present my friend"
The only way to argue this is with counter arguments.
One cannot live in the future, in order to do that one would simply sit and think ahead and never take action, causing a complete loop of the exact same thing.
One cannot live a majority of the time in the future as well, for if this was to happen, then one would be caught up in a systematic and logical order for things.
Life is like Chess, except more complicated. You can plan ahead, and plan ahead, and your opponent will always do something somewhere down the road that you didn't expect.
Unfortunately in life, its horribly impractical to think this way. Its not a game. There aren't any rules. and you have millions and billions of opponents.
It is too much for one person to try to comprehend. Leave the future alone.
As for the past, we have all heard it before; One cannot dwell on the past, and live well in the present.
Why is this though?
The truth again lies in thought power or brain capacity. (For lack of a better term).
If you waste all of it thinking about what happened and not about how to be better because of it, or how to fix it, or how to get over it, then you'll never get anywhere.
and even if you are trying to stay in limbo, thinking about stuff is kinda an oxymoron.
all in all.
you are best off living in the present.
making it up as you go along
just like anything you do, if you try too hard, you'll end up doing less.
The only way to argue this is with counter arguments.
One cannot live in the future, in order to do that one would simply sit and think ahead and never take action, causing a complete loop of the exact same thing.
One cannot live a majority of the time in the future as well, for if this was to happen, then one would be caught up in a systematic and logical order for things.
Life is like Chess, except more complicated. You can plan ahead, and plan ahead, and your opponent will always do something somewhere down the road that you didn't expect.
Unfortunately in life, its horribly impractical to think this way. Its not a game. There aren't any rules. and you have millions and billions of opponents.
It is too much for one person to try to comprehend. Leave the future alone.
As for the past, we have all heard it before; One cannot dwell on the past, and live well in the present.
Why is this though?
The truth again lies in thought power or brain capacity. (For lack of a better term).
If you waste all of it thinking about what happened and not about how to be better because of it, or how to fix it, or how to get over it, then you'll never get anywhere.
and even if you are trying to stay in limbo, thinking about stuff is kinda an oxymoron.
all in all.
you are best off living in the present.
making it up as you go along
just like anything you do, if you try too hard, you'll end up doing less.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Who is God?
This topic is by far the most complicated of any.
I say now that i truly mean no offense to anybody reading this.
I believe that religion was created by humans, for humans, to cope with, and to understand the world in general.
Their is no adamant proof that any God, anywhere, in any religion exists.
That being said, there is no adamant proof of a singularity, a big bang, or a reoccuring universe, and there still remains the greatest question of all. Where did we come from, What was before.
You cannot create something from nothing, much in the same way that you cannot make something into nothing.
There are arguments both ways, however, God confuses me the most.
Imagine if you were God. And you made humans in the likeness of yourself. Would you not get fed up with them praying every single second of every single day? Would you not simply hate the lords prayer? If i were God, and I created people, I would simply love for them to just leave me alone!
The one thing that i would find most humorous of all, if i were God, was that when i created a storm on the seas, or sent an earthquake trembling through a city simply because i wanted to, I would get billions of prayer requests from unrelated people across the world to help their souls. A bit counter intuitive.
For this arguments sake, lets say that God's abilities far exceed any humans. Lets say that he is simply a being beyond our comprehension.
Then the problem arises, which God/gods are real?
You cannot say that they are all the same, one entity interpreted different ways, because all religion counteracts all other religion. They say completely different things.
Would you blame this on the fallacies of humans for not interpreting God in the right way? Who could you blame. You cannot blame the Muslims, for what if you had been born into a Muslim family?
So then, which God/gods are real?
One singular religion cannot be correct. For that to be true, it would also mean that a vast majority of the worlds population was wholly incorrect about God from the get go. It just seems so improbable.
Let us turn to Christianity. It has been around about 2000 years. It also believes that the Greek and Roman Gods of old are myth.
But they were steadily believed in for a good 2000 years as well.
I know little about the nature of God/gods, but i do know that they do not simply just die and go away.
Where are those twelve great Olympians now. Were they defeated by Christianity's God in some epic war in the heavens?
That goes against God's teachings. "Love thine Neighbor"
I ask again. Who is right?
Who can be right?
It just doesn't make sense. It doesn't add up.
This is why i am Agnostic. I am undecided.
I do not know what to believe when so many are apparently "wrong".
Religion is not a blessing. It is not greatness. It is just a story. An idea. An idea so well supported that it seems to be reality.
Over the history of the world, there has been more bloodshed for religion, for one God is right over one God is wrong, than anything else.
If there is a God, did He mean for the crusades to happen? or the inquisition? or even WWI?
If He is all powerful, He could have stopped it.
But He did not. Can you say He loves you?
Can you say He loves all those people He let die?
Who is God. or rather. What is God?
He is certainly not the being you preach him to be.
I believe that makes your religion, "wrong"
lets fight over it.
Who is God?
This topic is by far the most complicated of any.
I say now that i truly mean no offense to anybody reading this.
I believe that religion was created by humans, for humans, to cope with, and to understand the world in general.
Their is no adamant proof that any God, anywhere, in any religion exists.
That being said, there is no adamant proof of a singularity, a big bang, or a reoccuring universe, and there still remains the greatest question of all. Where did we come from, What was before.
You cannot create something from nothing, much in the same way that you cannot make something into nothing.
There are arguments both ways, however, God confuses me the most.
Imagine if you were God. And you made humans in the likeness of yourself. Would you not get fed up with them praying every single second of every single day? Would you not simply hate the lords prayer? If i were God, and I created people, I would simply love for them to just leave me alone!
The one thing that i would find most humorous of all, if i were God, was that when i created a storm on the seas, or sent an earthquake trembling through a city simply because i wanted to, I would get billions of prayer requests from unrelated people across the world to help their souls. A bit counter intuitive.
For this arguments sake, lets say that God's abilities far exceed any humans. Lets say that he is simply a being beyond our comprehension.
Then the problem arises, which God/gods are real?
You cannot say that they are all the same, one entity interpreted different ways, because all religion counteracts all other religion. They say completely different things.
Would you blame this on the fallacies of humans for not interpreting God in the right way? Who could you blame. You cannot blame the Muslims, for what if you had been born into a Muslim family?
So then, which God/gods are real?
One singular religion cannot be correct. For that to be true, it would also mean that a vast majority of the worlds population was wholly incorrect about God from the get go. It just seems so improbable.
Let us turn to Christianity. It has been around about 2000 years. It also believes that the Greek and Roman Gods of old are myth.
But they were steadily believed in for a good 2000 years as well.
I know little about the nature of God/gods, but i do know that they do not simply just die and go away.
Where are those twelve great Olympians now. Were they defeated by Christianity's God in some epic war in the heavens?
That goes against God's teachings. "Love thine Neighbor"
I ask again. Who is right?
Who can be right?
It just doesn't make sense. It doesn't add up.
This is why i am Agnostic. I am undecided.
I do not know what to believe when so many are apparently "wrong".
Religion is not a blessing. It is not greatness. It is just a story. An idea. An idea so well supported that it seems to be reality.
Over the history of the world, there has been more bloodshed for religion, for one God is right over one God is wrong, than anything else.
If there is a God, did He mean for the crusades to happen? or the inquisition? or even WWI?
If He is all powerful, He could have stopped it.
But He did not. Can you say He loves you?
Can you say He loves all those people He let die?
Who is God. or rather. What is God?
He is certainly not the being you preach him to be.
I believe that makes your religion, "wrong"
lets fight over it.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Utopia? I think not.
There is no such thing as a perfect world, for if there was, there would be but one person who would surely parish.
A vision of peace and prosperity, of great wealth and happiness, has always been in the hearts and minds of men. (I will assume, for the sake of this blog, that this is a general consensus for an idealistic lifestyle.)
However, if one takes this vision and attempts to create a hypothetical world, eventually, it breaks down.
Aldus Huxley, the brilliant writer of the story Brave New World, envisioned such a place. Conformity was his answer. Conformity from birth.
This world was successful, but it also destroyed the essence of human individuality.
The Giver and Anthem are two other prominent stories that depict perfect worlds. They experience similar ends to that of Brave New World's.
Hence visions are a no-go, people cannot live without being individuals.
That is why there is music and art and dance and theater. Art is people screaming from the inexplicable source within them what words cannot say.
That is why people, especially young ones, hold on to such radical ideas and styles.
They strive to be different.
They strive to be special.
Even so, there are those who attempt to fashion the world for perfection.
Throughout history, many have tried, and whether they meant to or not, they all have failed.
Examples of this include the chronicles of Hitler, Stalin, Genghis Khan, Gandhi, Jesus Christ, you know of at least one.
Bottom line is, no matter how many people believe in one cause, there is always another to counter, and despise it.
I have always thought that the inverse to the common idiom, "One man's trash, another man's treasure" suits this well.
Individuality. That is the source of conflict.
Conflict. That is something that defies the goals of Utopia, of a perfect world.
This implies that with individuality there is conflict, therefore, if there is but one individual, problems cease.
But the world is a very large place without planes to travel it.
One man cannot live long alone, and even if he does, the human race would die with him in his old age.
A vision of peace and prosperity, of great wealth and happiness, has always been in the hearts and minds of men. (I will assume, for the sake of this blog, that this is a general consensus for an idealistic lifestyle.)
However, if one takes this vision and attempts to create a hypothetical world, eventually, it breaks down.
Aldus Huxley, the brilliant writer of the story Brave New World, envisioned such a place. Conformity was his answer. Conformity from birth.
This world was successful, but it also destroyed the essence of human individuality.
The Giver and Anthem are two other prominent stories that depict perfect worlds. They experience similar ends to that of Brave New World's.
Hence visions are a no-go, people cannot live without being individuals.
That is why there is music and art and dance and theater. Art is people screaming from the inexplicable source within them what words cannot say.
That is why people, especially young ones, hold on to such radical ideas and styles.
They strive to be different.
They strive to be special.
Even so, there are those who attempt to fashion the world for perfection.
Throughout history, many have tried, and whether they meant to or not, they all have failed.
Examples of this include the chronicles of Hitler, Stalin, Genghis Khan, Gandhi, Jesus Christ, you know of at least one.
Bottom line is, no matter how many people believe in one cause, there is always another to counter, and despise it.
I have always thought that the inverse to the common idiom, "One man's trash, another man's treasure" suits this well.
Individuality. That is the source of conflict.
Conflict. That is something that defies the goals of Utopia, of a perfect world.
This implies that with individuality there is conflict, therefore, if there is but one individual, problems cease.
But the world is a very large place without planes to travel it.
One man cannot live long alone, and even if he does, the human race would die with him in his old age.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Life is a shadow of what it used to be. But it is the difference in what is and what used to be that defines us.
this is an assumption that i have drawn from personal experiences and my own reflection on what changes have occurred in the last years of my life.
i am relatively young in the world. Because of this, four years seems like such a vast expanse of time. and as i think back on how i truly used to think and truly used to feel... i have such a hard time understanding how elderly people are not the wisest people in the world.
maybe it is that there is just so little in the world to experience and understand.
maybe it is that i have a very poor understanding or i underestimate the wisdom of those older then i
or maybe it is because of the habitual and hum drum patterns of life after the age of thirty.
it could come down to simple science. i have read that human brains begin to deteriorate at a certain age.
maybe we are at our brightest relatively early.
you can see my confusion.
This is beside the point. the point is that I have noticed a great influx of knowledge, experience, ability to discern, and overall wisdom in the last four years.
and this will happen regardless of who you are over time.
On its face, this is obvious. Common sense.
However, despite it being common sense, its product is my faults, my fallacies, and my strong points.
These characteristics define me.
This is tremendously unhelpful because i do not realize these faults, fallacies, or strong points until they come into play, and by that time they are a thing of the past and useless to who i am anymore.
This is a problem.
If i ask myself, "Who am I?" The answer, after a long and tedious process that, in the end, comes up short, is, "I simply am who i am."
This leaves others to define me. But they are as inept, if not more so then i, for they are not me, and they only learn things about me as i perform them, and by that time i experience a result from my action and hence am a new person.
If i cannot define myself, and others cannot as well, then how will i ever know who i am.
the answer is simple.
it is our experiences, our actions, or shadowy past that defines us, not our current living bodies. they are but vassals for what is the result of what used to exist.
As usual, i do not claim originality in this blog, for it probably has been thought of before.
this is an assumption that i have drawn from personal experiences and my own reflection on what changes have occurred in the last years of my life.
i am relatively young in the world. Because of this, four years seems like such a vast expanse of time. and as i think back on how i truly used to think and truly used to feel... i have such a hard time understanding how elderly people are not the wisest people in the world.
maybe it is that there is just so little in the world to experience and understand.
maybe it is that i have a very poor understanding or i underestimate the wisdom of those older then i
or maybe it is because of the habitual and hum drum patterns of life after the age of thirty.
it could come down to simple science. i have read that human brains begin to deteriorate at a certain age.
maybe we are at our brightest relatively early.
you can see my confusion.
This is beside the point. the point is that I have noticed a great influx of knowledge, experience, ability to discern, and overall wisdom in the last four years.
and this will happen regardless of who you are over time.
On its face, this is obvious. Common sense.
However, despite it being common sense, its product is my faults, my fallacies, and my strong points.
These characteristics define me.
This is tremendously unhelpful because i do not realize these faults, fallacies, or strong points until they come into play, and by that time they are a thing of the past and useless to who i am anymore.
This is a problem.
If i ask myself, "Who am I?" The answer, after a long and tedious process that, in the end, comes up short, is, "I simply am who i am."
This leaves others to define me. But they are as inept, if not more so then i, for they are not me, and they only learn things about me as i perform them, and by that time i experience a result from my action and hence am a new person.
If i cannot define myself, and others cannot as well, then how will i ever know who i am.
the answer is simple.
it is our experiences, our actions, or shadowy past that defines us, not our current living bodies. they are but vassals for what is the result of what used to exist.
As usual, i do not claim originality in this blog, for it probably has been thought of before.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Everything is connected:
There is nothing I can say now that you have not already heard.
There are no inferences I can make on this subject that have not already been made.
That being said, this is still my blog, and I will write what I feel like writing.
The title of this webpage is "Everything"
Everything could mean anything, which, in this case, it does.
Anything could range from a stone on the beaches of the Black Sea in Bulgaria to the humbling feeling a simple architect has standing in front of a magnificant Frank Loyd Wright building.
Anything could be the heart in your chest or the soul in your body.
Anything could be anything.
And since everything means anything;
Everything is connected to everything else simply because that is what it could be.
On a more practical note, everything is also physically connected. When something dies and/or decomposes, it becomes part of the surrounding earth. Since this has been happening since the earth was born... odds are that everything has some small part of everything else.
Everything is connected to everything simply because it is a part of it.
Everything is connected:
There is nothing I can say now that you have not already heard.
There are no inferences I can make on this subject that have not already been made.
That being said, this is still my blog, and I will write what I feel like writing.
The title of this webpage is "Everything"
Everything could mean anything, which, in this case, it does.
Anything could range from a stone on the beaches of the Black Sea in Bulgaria to the humbling feeling a simple architect has standing in front of a magnificant Frank Loyd Wright building.
Anything could be the heart in your chest or the soul in your body.
Anything could be anything.
And since everything means anything;
Everything is connected to everything else simply because that is what it could be.
On a more practical note, everything is also physically connected. When something dies and/or decomposes, it becomes part of the surrounding earth. Since this has been happening since the earth was born... odds are that everything has some small part of everything else.
Everything is connected to everything simply because it is a part of it.
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