Sunday, November 16, 2008

Society's Love


Of all the emotions created by humans in order to interpret and to channel feelings, Love is the most difficult, the most complicated, the most terrifying, the most beautiful, and the most powerful of them all.

There is no definition for the word, it cannot simply be defined. Its definition is relative.

One can define sadness, or hate, or joy, or anything else, but not love. For if you attempt to write it down, it changes on you.

Different people have tried to control it, or to bind it in words, and they have failed miserably.

One could say that a newly wed couple love each other more then anything else, and yet, either would be willing to kill to protect it. Or for it.

That is not love. That is selfish desire, or uncontrollable rage.

In my own short experiences, i have not found love, or maybe i have.

That is the true question; When do i know i am in love?

Some say, in the absence of a material explanation, that you "will know" when it happens to you. But i find this to be purely unhelpful.

I have experienced desire so great for something so unyielding over a long period of time, and thought it to be love. It certainly felt like society described it would. Deep, burning, and painful. I felt the "Will Know", but saying "I love her" caused me more pain and grief in rejection then anything else i had yet felt.

Looking back, it was not love, but desire that drove me; the kind of desire that makes you pour out your soul into something, only to have it broken and shattered into a million pieces when dropped and forgotten.

I have also experienced a relationship of powerful mutual affection, one that made me feel so happy, so full, and so complete that i could want nothing else. Again, the "will know" strikes.

Society says that one does not know love until one comes of age and matures.

What am I allowed to feel?

What do i do with this terrible, unrecognizable emotion held captive within me?

I cannot call it Love, God forbid! the L word appears to be a taboo on my life. Uttering it reverses all things good.

The word scares me.

Using it improperly in a serious situation spells emotional suicide for any human.

This is wrong.

The key is knowing when one is in love, but with no definition, one cannot know.

Therein lies the problem.

If there is no definition, no set principle, then society has NO control over what is proper.

Teenage "Love" could be interpreted as a sophomoric and passionate cry for understanding, and for action, or it could be a real feeling undiscovered and even forgotten by those who shape the world and its youth.

We are all human, and we all act in similar ways.

Now that I have explained the problem, my take is simple. Go with your gut feeling. If you feel a "will know", do not let society tell you that you are wrong. How can others know your feelings based on their own?

We are all humans, but we are all different.

You know what love is. Do not be afraid of it.

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