It is also almost funny how the raw nature of people forms "modern" civilization.
We educated humans of the 21st century look back on ancient times with an air of superiority; life now is so much better, far more comfortable, and far more sophisticated.
People will be doing the same thing in another Millennia. It is the way we are.
For better or for worse aside, all things change.
And even though the people in power, the level of technology, and the rules of life change with time, people can be trusted to do the same thing.
Survive. and not only survive, but to survive in style.
Always are people striving to live in better comfort, to climb the social ladder.
Even as our religions and social rules decree to refrain from greed and selfishness, few are the people who manage to actually do it.
As a result, we have crime. In fact, a great deal of the evil in the world stems from this self-perpetuating need for bigger and better things.
Crime is not a first option. It's just too risky.
People do not choose to steal or sell drugs because they want to. They choose to do these things because it is easier to do then the all the hard work done by the average person.
Why even try?
The thoughts and motives of criminals in some cases are very understandable.
No matter how much you try, life will only get harder.
Its as much luck as it is anything else. There are kids who spend their lives devoted to one cause. Working.
They've been brainwashed since birth into thinking that their are no options, no path besides that of work.
Brainwashed by their parents who strive to better themselves through their children.
It is a crime.
The whole world is a constant competition of who can do the best and the most work before they turn eighteen.
Who can prepare themselves the best?
Who can compete with a single minded, computer-like, shit-for-brains, kid, who's been forced to take Mandarin and Violin lessons since he could say Ni Hao?
More importantly, who wants to?
That is the modern world at its highest point.
It is almost funny to think that in fifty years, we will be the same as we used to be.
Except it isn't.
There are suicides that occur because of this.
Some can't take it. They don't quit. They are worked until they die.
Whats more is that the synthetic child has become a fad in recent days amongst adults.
It is not just one poor, suffering child that's in the race. It's thousands.
"Modern" Civilization is a joke. It is a machine.
This may seem more like a tirade then a thought process, but that is because there is an eye to every hurricane.
When it's all said and done, you can look back and say you gave it your all. And while you may be working two jobs to pay for your college education, it's a hell of a lot better then working three to raise a child.
And you did it without breaking the law, without cheating, and with a life.
You could almost say you were one of the few who stayed away from the greed and the selfishness.
Keep Going.