It is not an illusion, it is not a reflection of something else, it is no mirage on the horizon, or a hollow promise made by one to another.
It can be faked, and it can be used irrationally or immaturely for the selfish whims of those who wish to gain something from the despair of others.
If it's there, then it's there. And if you say it's there, then for fucks sake don't lie and take it back.
True Love isn't invincible. In fact it can be as frigile as a rose of glass.
There's a reason why its called True Love. Because it plans to stay.
Finding the right person in the world is like winning the lottery. Some people play all their lives, and never win once.
If you win, consider yourself lucky and fight your hardest to hold it together.
If you loose it, you probably won't ever see it again. Thats just the odds.
Good people have one flaw. They are not taken seriously at times.
They do everything they can for you, and even if you don't mean to, you push them aside and trapple all over them, blind to your own damage.
Things happen. People make mistakes. Nobody is perfect.
It is how you deal with the mistakes after you make them that defines their impact on the world and those around you.
Be careful. Bad things tend to happen to good people because nobody stepped it up.
Good memories last a lifetime.
Bad memories do too, except they burn deep.
(This post is dedicated to the greatest of friends, someone who doesn't deserve to be reading this. Remember. No matter what, life goes on.)
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