Tuesday, December 23, 2008


Death is everywhere.

It happens all around us, every second of every day.

If its not humans, its animals, or plants, or even ideas.

The prospect of dying is daunting. The survival instinct rings true among every creature upon this earth, forcing us to strive to keep the light of life alive in our bodies.

Why is it our nature to survive? Why has it been engraved into the very core of our being, even to our genetics, to live the longest life possible.

The answer is simple; Life is Good, Death is Bad.

Why then, do we as humans constantly suggest that after our time on earth, there lies another life.

After life, reincarnation, they're all the same. They're a part of religion. Religions are all the same in some aspects.

They all are human attempts to help humans deal with the aspects of life found most unpleasing.
Chief among them, Death.

Muslim Jihadists blow themselves up, believing that they are going to dine with Allah and seventy two virgins.

People commit suicide searching for a better life.

I may be mistaken.

Maybe its out there. Maybe alternate life does exist.

But if it does indeed exist, how would we know about it.

I may again be mistaken. But Your life is quite a large bet to place on an assumption.


It is not a part of life.

It is the finale of life.

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