Tuesday, October 7, 2008



Everything is connected:

There is nothing I can say now that you have not already heard.
There are no inferences I can make on this subject that have not already been made.

That being said, this is still my blog, and I will write what I feel like writing.

The title of this webpage is "Everything"

Everything could mean anything, which, in this case, it does.

Anything could range from a stone on the beaches of the Black Sea in Bulgaria to the humbling feeling a simple architect has standing in front of a magnificant Frank Loyd Wright building.

Anything could be the heart in your chest or the soul in your body.

Anything could be anything.

And since everything means anything;

Everything is connected to everything else simply because that is what it could be.

On a more practical note, everything is also physically connected. When something dies and/or decomposes, it becomes part of the surrounding earth. Since this has been happening since the earth was born... odds are that everything has some small part of everything else.

Everything is connected to everything simply because it is a part of it.

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